Learning to walk by faith, walk by faith, faith devotional, Lakeya Faith, Lakeya Faith ministries

Stepping Out of the Boat: Learning to Walk by Faith

Have you ever felt God nudging you to take a step of faith, but fear held you back? Maybe it’s starting a new job, speaking up in church, or letting go of something you’ve been clinging to. Trust me, girl, I’ve been there! But here’s the thing: faith isn’t about staying in the boat—it’s about trusting Jesus enough to step out, even when the water looks scary.

Trusting God with the Impossible:

Let’s look at Peter’s story in Matthew 14:28-29. When Jesus called him to walk on water, Peter didn’t wait for the storm to calm. He stepped out of the boat while the waves were still crashing. That’s what faith looks like—acting on God’s call even when circumstances aren’t perfect.

But Peter didn’t do it alone, and neither do we. Peter had enough faith to step out of the boat but when he looked at the storm around him, he began to sink. Thank God, that Jesus was right there, ready to catch him. We will have moments when our faith is strong, and at other times, it may be weak. Walking by faith doesn’t mean we won’t have moments of doubt. It means trusting that God is bigger than our fear and will carry us through.

Key Scripture:
Matthew 14:29 – “Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.”

Faith Over Fear:

Stepping out in faith is scary because it requires leaving your comfort zone. But sis, staying in the boat is scarier. The boat represents safety, but it’s also a place of limitation. God calls us to more than just surviving—He calls us to thrive in His purpose.

When fear creeps in, remind yourself of God’s promises. He hasn’t brought you this far to leave you. Write those promises down, say them out loud, and watch how your courage grows.

Prayer for Boldness in Faith:

Lord, help me to trust You, and when my faith is weak, and I begin to sink, grab my hand and carry me through. Please help me step out of my comfort zone and walk by faith, not by sight. When I’m scared, remind me that You’re always near, ready to lift me. Give me the boldness to follow where You lead. Fill my heart with unwavering faith that I may stay anchored in You no matter what storms come into my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection and Action Steps:
  • Reflect: What “boat” is God calling you to step out of today?
  • Act: Take one small step of faith this week. Whether it’s starting a new habit, sharing your faith, or pursuing a dream, trust that God is with you.

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